Deborah Schwartz’s latest poetry collection, Wind of the House, Voice of the Stream, of the Dream That you Dream, While We Turn You Around, “interweaves the most pressing issues of the day—immigration, run-amok capitalism, and the climate cliff on which we live,” (Ellen Doré Watson, author of pray me stay eager) while begging “questions about the role of witness in the face of pervasive violence.” (Kelly Fordon, author of I Have the Answer.) Her 2019 poetry collection, A Girl Could Disappear Like This, “offers a generous semi-surrealist’ commentary on a host of grand topics as well as a carefully curated display of personal ones. Bold, funny and intensely female, Schwartz navigates oceans, skies, and bodies with curiosity and tenderness.” (Diane Wald, author of The Warhol Pillows .) The collection won finalists with Carolina Wren Press, Elixir Press, and Inlandia Press, and was highlighted at Brilliant Light Publishing as one of the recommended poetry books of 2019.
She teaches in the English Department at Bunker Hill Community College and lives with her family (wife and dog) in East Boston, Massachusetts. Kin to nieces, nephews, young ones, in and outlaws, siblings, people, students, teachers, friends, stones, ocean and sky-fronts, living and dead parents and other ancestors (alava shalom), life brings her much quiet, tons of noise, space, and words.